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Longmen Grottoes


No. 13, Longmen Middle Street, Luolong District, Luoyang City, Henan Province

Reasons to visit

The Longmen Grottoes are located on the cliffs of Longmen Mountain and Xiangshan Mountain in the southern suburbs of Luoyang City. They were excavated around the time when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital to Luoyang (AD 494).

Opening Hours

  • February 1st - March 31st: Ticket sales are from 8:00-17:00, closing at 18:00;
The Longmen Grottoes are located on the cliffs of Longmen Mountain and Xiangshan Mountain in the southern suburbs of Luoyang City. They were excavated around the time when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital to Luoyang (AD 494). Later, they continued to be constructed on a large scale for more than 400 years through the Eastern and Western Wei, Sui, Tang and Song dynasties. There are about 100,000 Buddha statues in total, and the larger Buddha statue is 17 meters high (Lushena Buddha statue). To visit Longmen Grottoes, you can usually walk. The route is mostly as follows: the gate of the scenic spot - Xishan Grottoes - Dongshan Grottoes - Xiangshan Temple - Baiyuan. From April to October every year, tourists can also take a night tour of the grottoes. Under the dreamy lights, the ten thousand Buddha statues are even more spectacular (night tours are only open to the Xishan Grottoes and Xiangshan Temple).

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