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Twenty-Four Bridges


Inside the Slender West Lake Scenic Area, No. 28, Dahongqiao Road, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Reasons to visit

"On a moonlit night at Twenty-Four Bridges, where can a beautiful woman teach me how to play the flute?" Du Mu's eternal masterpiece in the Tang Dynasty aroused many people's yearning for Yangzhou under the bright moon. The twenty-four bridges in history were ruined by drought. 

Opening Hours

  • 6:30-18:00
"On a moonlit night at Twenty-Four Bridges, where can a beautiful woman teach me how to play the flute?" Du Mu's eternal masterpiece in the Tang Dynasty aroused many people's yearning for Yangzhou under the bright moon. The twenty-four bridges in history were ruined by drought. In recent years, Yangzhou City has planned to build a long bridge on the west side of Slender West Lake, build pavilions, and rebuild the Twenty-Four Bridge scenic spots, adding new charm to the ancient city of Yangzhou. The Twenty-Four Bridge Scenic Area has pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, which are arranged poetically. One of the most eye-catching ones is a white jade arched bridge, known as the Twenty-Four Bridge. Twenty-Four Bridge is a combination bridge connected by a mountain stream plank road, a single arch bridge, a three-fold flat bridge and a flute pavilion. The mountain stream plank road is made of yellow stone and is majestic and simple. The single arch bridge is made of white marble railings, which are as elegant as jade belts and like neon waves. The bridge is 24 meters long, 2.4 meters wide, has 24 railings, and has 24 steps up and down. It seems that everything corresponds to the number 24. The relief sculptures of colorful clouds chasing the moon on the railings, the stacks of cloud-shaped lake stones at the junction of the bridge and the water, and the fragrant osmanthus planted all around allow people to see clouds, water, moon, and flowers at any time, and experience the "Moonlight Night on the Twenty-Four Bridges" "The wonderful scene reminds me of Du Mu's romantic stories in the past.

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